Асфальт дэвсэгч

Энэхүү машин нь асфальт дэвсэгчийн үйл ажиллагаанд саад учруулалгүйгээр түүнд асфальт тээвэрлэн хангаж өгөх үүрэгтэй. Асфальт дэвсэгчид ачааны машинаар асфальт хангах боломжгүй …

Ачааны машин мэдлэг

Introduction of Cummins Engine Cummins is the world's largest independent engine manufacturer. Its product line includes diesel and alternative fuel engines, key engine components (fuel systems, control systems, intake air treatment, filtration systems and exhaust gas treatment systems) and power generation systems. Company Overview of …

Dongfeng KINGRUN 8000 liters asphalt distribution truck

Applications: Asphalt distribution truck, also known as asphalt distribution truck or asphalt grouting truck, is a special mechanical equipment used for road construction and maintenance. It is mainly used to spread the asphalt mixture evenly on the surface of the road to create a smooth road layer. Our factory produces different brands and models of …

Shacman 12 wheels 8x4 30000 liters fuel tank truck

Shacman 12 дугуй 8×4 30000 литрийн шатахууны савны машин. Энэ бол Shacman цувралын F3000, H3000, X3000, бүх 8×4 12 дугуйтай ачааны эд ангиудыг ашиглах боломжтой зах зээл дээр бидний үйлдвэрлэдэг хамгийн том …

Foton G9 ambulance car -Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd.

Foton G9 ambulance car, Ambulance refers to a vehicle that rescues the patient. Features: The car is equipped with special devices such as medical equipment cabinets, oxygen cylinders, stretchers, disinfection lamps, special vehicle marking lights and alarms. Detailed vehicle parameters Foton G9 ambulance technical data product name Foton G9 …

FAW J5K 8 tons water truck -Chengli Special …

Бартаат замын ачааны машин(12) Бартаат замын автобус(3) Инженерийн ачааны машин(54) Бетон зуурагч(7) Хогийн машин(19) Асфальт түгээгч машин(8) Ачааны машины явах эд анги(7) …

Introduction of Road Sweeper truck

Chengli бол зам цэвэрлэгч ачааны машины салбарт алдартай Хятадын брэнд юм. Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd нь БНХАУ-д тусгай зориулалтын автомашин, тэр дундаа зам цэвэрлэгч ачааны машин үйлдвэрлэгч тэргүүлэгч компани юм.

Zhengxing Fuel truck dispenser -Chengli Special Automobile …

Fuel truck dispenser, also called Vehicle-mounted fuel dispenser, small fuel dispenser, tanker fuel dispenser, tax-controlled fuel dispenser… Zhengxing truck refueling machine uses 12V DC power supply. It is easy to install and is divided into two types of flow. The small flow rate is equipped with a six-point fuel dispenser hose, which is commonly used …


Портер, ачааны машин; Хүнд машин механизм ... Эртний эдлэл, цуглуулга ... Япон, Солонгос машин байнга авна. Мөн ланд 200, 570 яаралтай бэлэн мөнгөөр авна ...

Shacman heavy duty tow truck

Shacman heavy duty tow truck, shacman x3000 14 wheels tow truck for emergency rescue/recovery service of heavy duty trucks or buses. Shacman heavy duty tow truck made by Chengli truck, the biggest special vehicles manufacturer in China with various kinds of trucks including general wreckers and such type heavy duty tow trucks 20 tons, 30 tons, …

Dongfeng шахалтын хогийн машин

Dongfeng 4×2 Шахсан хогны машин. Dongfeng 4×2 Compressed garbage truck Chengli Special Automobile Co., LTD. : The compressed garbage truck is composed of sealed garbage compartment, hydraulic system and operating system. The whole vehicle is fully sealed, self-compression, self-dumping, and the sewage in the compression ...

Вакуум сорох машин

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FAW 20000 литр усны цистерн ачааны машин

FAW 20000 liters water tank truck, FAW 15- 20 tons water tank truck, FAW water tank truck, FAW water truck factory, manufacturer… FAW 20000 liters water tank truck, which the chassis choose the original FAW truck chassis, and the water tank body is made by Chengli water truck factory, where there are the biggest water truck production line in China. …

Sinotruk Howo 10000

СинотрукHowo 10000 – 12000 литр усны машин. Энэ бол Sinotruk howo-ийн үйлдвэрлэсэн алдартай усны цистерн ачааны машин бөгөөд энд бид явах эд ангиудыг Howo үйлдвэр, усны савны их биеийг …

Mobile Food Truck

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What is Fire Fighting Truck? Introduction of China Fire …

Fire Fighting Truck Also known as fire truck, it is a vehicle specially used for fire fighting or other emergency rescue purposes. Fire trucks can be divided into pump trucks, ladder trucks and other specialized vehicles according to their functions. Fire trucks in most areas are sprayed with bright red (there are also bright yellow fire trucks in some …

Chemical/Fuel Tanker

Shacman 12 дугуй 8×4 30000 литрийн шатахууны савны машин. дэлгэрэнгүй лавлагаа. Howo 5000 – 6000 литрийн сүүний цистерн. дэлгэрэнгүй лавлагаа. Shacman 20000 литрийн 20 тоннын түлшний машин. дэлгэрэнгүй лавлагаа ...

Shacman L3000 fuel tank truck -Chengli Special Automobile …

4. Шатахууны савны багтаамж: 15000 л. Shacman L3000 түлшний савны ачааны машин, Shacman L3000 ачааны эд анги нь Shacman явах эд анги, түлшний савны их биеийг Ченгли түлшний савны үйлдвэр үйлдвэрлэдэг. Shacman L3000 ...

Foton 12000 литр хөргөгчтэй ачааны машин

Foton Aumark refrigerated truck Foton Aumark refrigerated truck, Foton 12000 liters refrigerated truck, Foton refrigerated truck supplier & manufacturer, Foton brand refrigerated van truck made by chengli truck from China. Foton Refrigerated truck is a full sealed van used to transport the frozen food or fresh goods, and is also kind of special …

Машин уралдааны тоглоом

Өндөр хурд болон адреналин фенүүд шиг машин дээр тоглоом Уралдааны. Хүчтэй, илүү нь түрдэг тэрэг сонгоно уу! Бид асуудал эрхэлсэн бүх чөлөөт боломжтой машин дээр уралдаанд тоглож!

Foton M1 fast food sales truck -Chengli Special Automobile …

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Shacman 40 cbm bulk cement transportation truck

Shacman 40 cbm bulk cement transportation truck The bulk cement truck, also known as the powder material transport vehicle, consists of a special automobile chassis, a bulk cement truck body, a gas pipeline system, and an automatic unloading device. It is suitable for bulk transportation of fly ash, cement, lime powder, ore powder, granular alkali and other dry …

Dongfeng D7 5-6 cbm хог нягтруулагч машин

Dongfeng D7 5-6 cbm garbage compactor truck Dongfeng D7 is the high standard dongfeng truck model in light duty series. Standard design with beautiful outside color, it has gotten the hot sale garbage truck honor in the market. Description of Dongfeng D7 5-6 cbm garbage compactor truck Rear loader garbage trucks, also known as compression …