Origin of high-Cr podiform chromitites from Kabaena …

ABSTRACT The East Sulawesi Ophiolite, one of the three largest ophiolites in the world, contains important podiform chromitites. However, the origin of these chromite deposits is not well constrained. Here, we present the detailed mineralogy and in situ chemistry of chromite and solid inclusions within chromite for podiform chromitites …

Systemiin shinjilgee ba zohiomj lekts | PDF

7. Мэдээллийн урсгалыг заагч нь заавал чиглэлтэй байна. Чиглэл нь мэдээллийн урсгалын замыг харуулах ба сум заасан чиглэлд мэдээлэл зөөгдөнө. 8. Мэдээллийн урсгалын доорх чиглэлүүд хориотой.

podiform chromite deposits: Topics by Science.gov

Podiform chromite deposits--database and grade and tonnage models. USGS Publications Warehouse. Mosier, Dan L.; Singer, Donald A.; Moring, Barry C.; Galloway, John P. . Chromite ((Mg, Fe++)(Cr, Al, Fe+++)2O4) is the only source for the metallic element chromium, which is used in the metallurgical, chemical, and refractory industries. …


Chromite deposits associated with ultramafic rock in the research area: (a) Outcrop showing the old mining activity; (b) Close-up view of ultramafic rock outcrop in the presence of a podiform баримт бичгийг ангилан төрөлжүүлж албан хэрэг бүрдүүлэх, цахим хэлбэрт шилжүүлэн мэдээллийн сан үүсгэх, хөтлөх хэргийн нэрийн жагсаалтын дагуу хавтас, файл үүсгэн хадгалах ...

Conditional estimates of the number of podiform chromite …

The number (N) of exposed podiform chromite deposits can be estimated by the following relationship: log10(N)=-0.194+0.577 log10(area of ultramafic rock). The slope is significantly different from both 0.0 and 1.0. Because the slope is less than 1.0, the ratio of deposits to area of permissive rock is a biased estimator when the area of ...

A Model Illustrating the Formative Process of the Podiform Chromite

Podiform chromite deposits, well-known in the Alpine orogenic belts, are regarded as derived from olivine-chromite-pyroxene cumulate rock. During emplacement, as the cumulate rock rises, partial melting might take place by reduced pressure. This process is believed to have yielded a mush state liquid in which fragments or blocks of layered …


4. 3 АГУУЛГА i. Оршил бүлэг 1.1 Гарын авлагын гол зорилго 8 1.2 Статистикийн энгийн хэмжигдэхүүн 8 1.3 Дасгал ажил 13 ii. Тоон мэдээлэл болон мэдээллийн тухай 2.1 Тоон мэдээлэл болон мэдээлэл 18 2.2 Тоон мэдээллийн эх үүсвэр 19 2.3 ...

Podiform Chromite Ore Bodies: a Genetic Model

Abstract. This paper presents an attempt to interpret the formation of podiform chromite ore found in ophiolitic complexes from magmatic accumulation inside cavities along the basalt conduits feeding the main magma chamber. Two processes play a major role in chromite concentration: an active upward magma flow in narrow dykes; …

Podiform chromite deposits

Podiform chromite deposits: Location and characteristics of 1,124 individual podiform chromite mineral deposits, with grade and tonnage models for chromium as well as several related elements. Podiform chromite deposits

Вэб сайт — Википедиа нэвтэрхий толь

Хөдөлгөөнгүй сайт гэж нэрлэж болно. Харилцагч вэб браузер руу илгээсэн мэдээлэл нь сервер дээр хадгалагдсан вэб хуудас гэж болно. Энэ нь гол төлөв болох Гипербичвэр Тэмдэглэгээт Хэл ( HTML )-д ...

Нийгэм — Википедиа нэвтэрхий толь

Нийгэм нь маш нарийн нийлмэл бүтэц, зохион байгуулалт, өргөн агуулгатай, оршин тогтнол, өөрчлөлт, хөгжил бүхий зүйрлэн хэлбэл, амьд организм лугаа өөрөө хөгжигч, хүнийг хөгжүүлэгч том ...

Маркетингийн судалгаа | PDF

Маркетингийн судалгааны түүвэрлэн судлах арга 98 14. Мэдээ сэлтийг хэмжиж шинжлэх 108 15. spss программ 110 16. Мэдээллийн тоон шинжилгээний аргууд 133 17. Мэдээллийн чанарын шинжилгээний аргууд 148 18.

The giant chromite deposits at Kempirsai, Urals: constraints …

Abstract The investigation of stable and radiogenic isotopes and of platinum-group (PGE) and rare earth elements (REE) in chromitites and associated ultramafic rocks of the Kempirsai Massif, southern Urals, gives strong evidence for a multistage formation of giant ophiolitic-podiform chromite deposits present in the southeastern part of the …

The chromite deposits associated with ophiolite

The podiform chromities occur in a well-preserved mantle sequence consisting of lherzolite-harzburgite with abundant lenses of olivine dunite. The podiform chromitite deposits are common as small and irregularly shaped masses in the Southeastern Desert (SED) of Egypt. The podiform chromities exhibit a wide range of compositions …

Role of water in the origin of podiform chromitite deposits

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Role of water in the origin of podiform chromitite deposits" by S. Matveev et al. Skip to search ... The Luobusa ophiolite in the Indus—ladling Zjingbo suture of southern Tibet hosts the largest known chromite deposit in China. The podiform chromitites occur in a well-preserved mantle sequence … Expand. …

Podiform chromite deposits--database and grade and …

Of these, 619 deposits have been used to create three new grade and tonnage models for podiform chromite deposits. The major podiform chromite model has a median tonnage of 11,000 metric tons and a mean grade of 45 percent Cr 2 O 3. The minor podiform chromite model has a median tonnage of 100 metric tons and a mean grade of 43 …

It101 lec6 10.06

It101 lec6 10.06. 1. ВИРТУАЛ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙН ТЭНХИМ, Е-НЭЭЛТТЭЙ ИНСТИТУТ Мэдээллийн Технологийн хэрэглээ - I Код: U.IT101 1 /Лекц-6/. 2. IT101- Мэдээллийн Технологийн хэрэглээ - I Сэдэв: Өгөгдлийн сан Е ...

Mechanism of formation of podiform chromitite: Insights …

The results of this investigation indicate that the integration of information extracted from image-processing algorithms using remote sensing data could be a broadly applicable tool for prospecting chromite ore deposits associated with ophiolitic complexes in mountainous and inaccessible regions such as Tibet's oophiolitic zones.