Supergel | Rosco

Supergel. Rosco's range of high-temp (HT), flame-retardant color filters. Resources. Request a Quote Where to buy. Supergel is regarded as one of the most widely used color filter ranges in the world. It is comprised of …


Нийлүүлэгч, үйлдвэрлэгч, зуучлах худалдаачид, эцсийн хэрэглэгчдийн хоорондох мэдээлэл, материал, эцсийн бүтээгдэхүүний өртөг шингэсэн урсгалыг нийлүүлэлтийн сүлжээний менежмент гэдэг.

About Us | Rosco

Rosco's headquarters are in Stamford, Connecticut, with other US facilities near Austin, Texas and Hollywood, California. A truly multi-national company, Rosco maintains fully …

Products | Rosco

View All. View all Rosco products by brand and product type; filters & diffusions, gobos, LED lighting, backdrops, scenic paints, fog machines and fluid, screens, floors.

Chrysler Sebring-ийн антифризийг хэрхэн солих вэ

Chrysler Sebring нь хөнгөн цагаан толгойгоор хийсэн зургаан цилиндртэй хөдөлгүүрээр тоноглогдсон бөгөөд халуунд амархан хагардаг. Хөргөлтийн шингэнийг тогтмол солих нь энэ машиныг сэрүүн, үр ашигтай ажиллуулахад амин ...

1. Installing the ROSCO tools

Depending on what is needed, a user can choose to use just the ROSCO controller or to use both the ROSCO controller and the toolbox. Both the controller and the toolbox should be installed if one wishes to leverage the full ROSCO tool-chain. Table 1.1 provides an overview of the primary methods available for Installing the ROSCO controller.


Leading global manufacturer of creative solutions including LED fixtures, backdrops, color filters, gobos, fog effects, scenic products and dance floors.

Filters and Diffusions | Rosco

Tell your story with Rosco's collection of color filters & diffusions. Enhance your scene using the world's largest collection of lighting materials that color, correct, shape & control light; choose from nearly 1,000 color options to create the perfect scene. Color filters with superior color-consistency, heat-resistance, and durability ...

Gobo Catalog | Rosco

Gobo Resources. The world's largest catalog of patterns for projection, including standard designs for steel, glass & plastic templates, and innovative effects glass gobos.